On Call
  • December 15, 2022 3:37 am
  • United States (USA), California

What you’ll learn

  • Each lecture is a talk with a Digital Nomad about their travel
  • Learn different ways Digital Nomads travel and earn income on the road
  • What is a digital nomad
  • Can you travel and work at the same time?


  • A Desire to Travel the World


New Lecture! #17 – How a Podcast Producer took her RV and family and traveled around the SW USA for 5 months.

Scott Paton and Ricky Shetty are traveling the world. Scott left Vancouver, BC, Canada in January, 2017, and flew east alone. Ricky left Vancouver on December 2016 with his wife and three children under six, and flew west.

As they traveled they met interesting Digital Nomads, who use many different strategies to extend their travels. We interview these Nomads and uncover their secrets.

Discover how they used:

  • House Sitting
  • Volunteering
  • Online Businesses
  • Blogging
  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Teaching English
  • And much more to travel the world

This course will be constantly updated as we discover new ideas from the globe trotting Digital Nomads of the world!

A volcano without a peak is found in the Cascade Mountains, Southern Oregon. What takes the place for a billowing summit? It’s not a barren, flat crater. Instead, it’s an electrical blue lake surrounded by pine trees, and the jagged remnants of the volcano’s collapsed jaw that erupted almost 8,000 years ago.

Crater lake is the name of this place. It is one of the most picturesque national parks in America. Justin Champion, a HubSpot Academy Content Professor, also spent Thursday of his workday here.

For Justin, Ariele, a striking landscape like Crater lake is their normal office view. After their work in the National Park, they traveled north to Portland where they spent a day at Mt. Hood. They then drove through Redwood National Park. They will be working in Yosemite National Park next week.

Justin and his wife have lived, worked, and traveled across America for two years in a Ford F-250 and an Airstream trailer attached to it. Their alternative lifestyle allows them to prioritize their relationships and life experiences over material possessions. They are modern-day nomads. They are what we call digital nomads.

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United States (USA),California

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