On Call
  • July 19, 2024 10:23 am
  • Sri Lanka, Moratuwa, Colombo
⭕ Can’t calculate your company’s sales and stock correctly?
⭕ Is it difficult to calculate without a software system?
⭕ The Point of Sales System introduced by Sri Lanka’s number one software company SunTec Information System pvt Ltd is an ideal solution to those problems. You will get the following features through this system.
1. Customer billing
2. Sales reports (Daily/ Monthly)
3. User-wise sales reports
4. Generate stock transactions
5. Stock balance and movement reports
6. Many more reports
7. Manage multiple locations or branches
Come and join us. Your success is our success.


649, Galle road, Rawathawatta, Moratuwa,Sri Lanka,Moratuwa,Colombo

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