On Call
  • October 3, 2022 6:21 am
  • United States (USA), California


What you’ll learn
How to paint a mural!
Tips in mural painting
How to identify a wall and prepare a concept
How to clean a wall
How to paint a background
How to make a sketch on the wall
How to paint the foreground
Analyzing the wall and reflecting on the completion


Hey! My name is Miles.

I am here to inspire you to create your own murals!

I know you can do it because you can learn from me.  The process as you will see relatively easy. Find a wall, create a concept, make a design or mock-up sketch, paint the background, then paint the foreground!

With this video you lesson you will learn countless tips.

I have painted over 100s of murals around the Americas and I will teach you all the tools and tricks I have learned painting.

Do not miss this special offer to learn to paint on walls, expand you repertoire as an artist, bring more light into your community, and have fun as you share your gifts with the world.

Like you might guess, mural painting seems like it would be a difficult skill to learn online. Do not fear however, I have developed a unique style that is really quite fun and entertaining in order for you to learn the best way you can.

This skill will really enhance your practice! And with this you will be able to accomplish and realize many murals for your schools, towns, and communities.






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United States (USA),California

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