On Call
  • November 7, 2022 3:31 am
  • United States (USA), Illinois

Advantage Flea Treatment for Dogs
Advantage for dogs is a monthly spot-on flea treatment for puppies and dogs. Its fast acting formula kills 98-100% fleas within 12 hours and long lasting effect prevents further flea infestation for a period of 4 weeks. It kills adult fleas found on the pet’s body and in the surrounding areas. Advantage is available for small, medium, large, and extra large dogs. This scientific formulation is an ideal flea treatment for dogs.

Advantage – How it works?
Advantage for dogs is an easy-to-apply topical flea treatment that kills adult flea and larvae for a month. Its main ingredient Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide that starts killing fleas within an hour of application and eliminates them. It protects dogs against various flea-infested diseases and prevents Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). It guards the treated dog against flea biting, thus saving your pet from fatal diseases. This waterproof treatment is 100% effective even in water.



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