On Call
  • June 30, 2022 5:07 am
  • United States (USA), Alabama
We are not your typical “globo gym”. When you walk in you won’t find any expensive machines, televisions, mirrors, hot tubs, or pools. We are a training facility who strives to break away from the flawed fitness model currently so prevalent in America. Long and monotonous gym routines have been replaced by short workouts consisting of constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements.
At CrossFit Oneonta no two workouts are ever the same. The only thing predictable about a workout is that you will have fun in a friendly yet competitive environment. Our methods elicit teamwork, camaraderie, motivation, family, and a sense of belonging. We create athletes that are more fit, healthier people overall.
Every workout consists of dedicated trainers giving you personalized attention and support. Class sizes are limited to small groups in order to give you effective coaching and personal training at a fraction of the cost. The movements we train will prepare an individual for whatever obstacles they may face in the real world. Anybody can benefit from CrossFit and then apply it to other parts of their lives.
CrossFit is a fitness program that is fun, challenging, and extremely effective. Our workouts are scalable to everyone – from elite athletes to moms of three. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs. CrossFit workouts are aimed at improving General Physical Preparedness (GPP) so all aspects of your fitness will improve including strength, endurance, stamina, agility, balance, speed, power, flexibility, coordination, and accuracy.
Come check us out and start your free introductory class today


635 Underwood Ave, Oneonta, AL 35121,United States (USA),Alabama

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