  • May 8, 2024 6:21 am
  • United States (USA), Delaware
  1. The outlet is blocked or the inlet pressure is too high, or the external temperature is so low that the liquid in the pump cavity freezes, causing the actual pressure in the pump cavity to be much higher than its pressure bearing capacity, and eventually the pump body cracks.
  2. The water pump is installed on a steel foundation. This installation has no vibration reduction measures and lacks support for the inlet and outlet pipes. This will cause uneven stress on the unit, which will cause the slurry pump to vibrate continuously, eventually causing The service life of the slurry pump is shortened.
  3. The slurry pump was not inspected and maintained regularly according to the instructions, and the packing was not replaced regularly.
  4. The slurry pump is installed in a closed space, and the fan cannot circulate the surrounding air, resulting in poor heat dissipation of the motor and shortening the service life of the motor.

The above are several reasons that lead to the shortening of the service life of slurry pumps. Want to know more, contact us!,, 0086-15732149758

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