On Call
  • December 10, 2022 7:04 am
  • UK

Who are we and what do we do?
Have you ever wanted to get up close and personal to some of the seas most amazing creatures?

Well now you can with the help of Whitby Whale Watching.

So few people realize the North Sea, and more importantly, just off Whitby, boasts such a rich variety of sea life below the surface. Every year during late summer and autumn vast shoals of herring migrate to the inshore waters off the Yorkshire coast to spawn. The herring, in turn, attracts cetaceans, sharks, birds and seals to feed.

We started in 2006 on sailings with the yellow boats we quickly realized that we were starting to see whales on a regular basis during our sunset and twilight cruises.

Over the past few years the whale watching trips on board the Specksioneer, Summer Queen and Esk Belle III have spotted Minke, Fin, Sei and Humpback Whales, white-beaked and bottlenose dolphins, porpoise as well as thousands of seals.

You don´t need to travel the world to experience this amazing sight you can do it all from Yorkshire´s premier resort, Whitby.


Hebridean Whale Cruises

Whale Watching Mirissa



6a Albion Place Whitby North Yorkshire YO21 1ES,UK

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