Quoted – Nandika Beddegama Yatiyana
From Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/galleryplaceone/
Sisiragiri Walauwa under the cloth court who defeated the whites
Thirty years without human habitation.
Although Yatiyana is still an undeveloped village, the name Yatiyana is a household name even at home and abroad. The name Yatiyana became famous all over the world because of one person. Or because of the great black Sinhalese known as Mr. Yatiyana.
The white plantation empire was overthrown in Sri Lanka by a villager wearing a white vest and coat named Yatiyana Mahaththaya who competed with the whites in England. He was a tall, four-foot-tall man with a white mustache and a mustache on his face. Mr. Yatiyana is the only person who was not a company that owned most of the tea and rubber estates in Sri Lanka eight or nine decades ago. The story of his fortune in owning land is a very interesting one. Mr. Yatiyana was living at that time in a small house on the highest hill of the land where Yatiyana was currently building his house. At that time the water for their needs was taken from a well in a ditch near the present Kekanadurra road in Yatiyana.

One day Mr. Yatiyana’s wife Kamburupitiya Hamine, as usual, wears a cloth and shirt, fills a pot with water from the well below the house, takes it to her house on the hill. As she climbed the hill from the bottom of the hill about halfway up the hill, the rags she was wearing loosened. She immediately put the pot of water she was holding on her waist on the floor and got ready to put on the cloth. Kamburupitiya Hamine, who was putting the pot of water on the ground and tightening the cloth, could not believe his eyes when something strange happened. She shouted loudly and yelled at her husband who was at home. Mr. Yatiyan also tightened the saree he was wearing and immediately ran to the place where Kamburupitiya Hamine was. He could not believe his eyes when he came to the place where his wife was holding the pot of water on the ground. The pot of water his wife had laid on the ground was bubbling and overflowing. He immediately ran home and brought a large cloth and placed four jars of boiling water around it and covered it with a white cloth. Then meet a fortune teller
When the incident was reported, their advice was to build a house and settle down in the middle of the place where the pot overflowed. The house built by Mr. Yatitana at that place is called Sisiragiri Walawwa.

Everyone in Matara knows that Yatiyana became famous not only in Sri Lanka but also abroad. The story of his purchase of the Queen’s Hotel in Kandy is also interesting. While shopping at the Queen’s Hotel in Kandy, Mr. Yatiyana was seen wearing a t-shirt and the usual white jacket. The White House, which is bidding for the sale of the Queens Hotel, has raised the bid. White laughed at the fact that this rag picker could buy the Queen’s Hotel. After paying the highest price at the auction, Mr. Yatiyana bought the Queen’s Hotel and asked the mocking white man, “Which bank do you want the money from?” At that time, Mr. Yatiyana, who had deposited money in banks in countries such as England, was well aware of the situation and was ashamed to flee the country, not to laugh at the whites. It is said that at that time he owned tea and rubber plantations in many parts of the country such as Hatton, Nuwara Eliya and more than ten thousand acres. It is said that all these people got lucky due to the good fortune of the land in the Sisiragiri palace in Yatiyana.

One day Mr. Yatiyana received a report that a consignment of the latest Benz cars had been imported to Sri Lanka. He went to the company that imported the Benz and looked at the vehicles. The company had imported only three of these latest Benz cars. There Jandy asked the manager, who was wearing a tie coat, how much this Benz was. The manager looked at Mr. Yatiyana, who was wearing a scarf, and said, “Please take Benz.” Mr. Yatiyana bought all three Benz cars at that time, which was the most expensive vehicle at the time, and brought it to his house in Matara Yatiyana.
His son Donald Ranaweera later became the Member of Parliament for Maskeliya, Nuwara Eliya. He later became chairman of the Times. Several of Mr. Yatiyana’s grandchildren died prematurely in an accident in the United States. The tombs of Mr. Yatiyana and his wife Kamburupitiya Hamine, his son Donald Ranaweera and their grandsons have been erected in front of the Yatiyana house. Today this Sisira Giri Walawwa is a deserted place. No one has come to settle for nearly thirty years. There is only one watchman during the day. The tortoise at the main gate of the locked house has not been opened for about 25 years. All around the garden are more than a hundred year old Aralia flowering trees. The garden is also adorned with rare sculptures. No one from Yatiyana village enters this house or garden. Surrounded by a majestic wall, the palace is secluded. Some say there are ghosts here. It is said that the room in the palace at the place where the water pot of Kamburupitiya Hamine was bubbling when it was placed on the ground was covered and closed today. A group of youths who had secretly entered the palace had released these photos to the internet.