An errand of mercy on wooden maskers in Sri Lanka
Thanks to the ancient rituals which holds it tight for a while .Tourism also played a major role later for a upliftment of this industry. It’s almost clear most industries rapidly gone down inside this crisis .Wedoadz team is more than happy to help them .
Most wooden masks hold it’s own story or a legend that imprinted. Ex Gara Yaka Mask is used in Gara Yaka Ritual Dance, Which believed to be healing patients in deeply rooted mind disorders.
We May look in to Some famous Demons found in Sri Lankan Culture which feed the mask industry
Gara Yaka

Gara Yaka -with bulging eyes, protruding nose and gaping mouth, disfigured and fierce
Maha Sona –

Most Famous and discussed demon in Sri Lanka .It said to be a wolf headed and playing in the middle of the night .Seems in association with cemeteries which is called cemetery devil
Huniyam Yaka

It’s also called Kolam Sanni Yaka -Used ages on healing dances in sri lanka
Pitha Sanni Yaka

Sanni masks that differ from place to place.Pitha Sanni Yaka Belived to be healing Bilious diseases and a part of 18 Sanni Dance -(sanni if referred as a disease )
Kana Sanni Yaka

Kanna Sanni Yaka Dance ,performs to heal people from Blindness ,according to ancient legends .Also a part of 18 Sanni Dance
We can find so many more demons ,,Like it ? get explore and grab what you feel .